How do I pay my dues?
You may check your account balance any time, and pay online with Credit Card or E-check through TownSq. Log in at Town Square or via the TownSq app on your phone.
You can also call our property management company and discuss balances, make payment arrangements, and handle other financial business relevant to the HOA by calling Associa at 919-787-9000.
Register in TownSq to pay via Credit Card or E-Check
If you are already set up to pay by credit card or e-check through TownSq, please ensure the Assessment Amount matches this year’s dues amount. Payments made through Town Square post immediately to your account.
Payment by Check
Make checks payable to Kildaire Farms HOA and write your account number on the check.
Mailing address
Kildaire Farms HOA
c/o HRW
PO Box 11904
Newark, New Jersey 07101
HRW Auto Debit
If you are already registered to pay via automatic draft, you are all set. The automatic draft of funds by HRW from your account will be initiated monthly between the 8th - 12th. To sign up for an automatic draft or make changes, complete the form in TownSq or email Associa.
Online Bill Payment
Please ensure your online bill payment information is correct:
Account Number – Your full and exact account number should be noted on the check or electronic funds transfer that the bank issues (include zeros and dashes). NOTE: some banks still mail paper checks for these payments.
Remittance Address – All payments should be sent to the PAYMENT ADDRESS above, and not to our office.
Assessment Amount – Remember to update the amount to the current year dues amount.
Issue Date – schedule payment to be issued at least 14 business days prior to the late date to avoid late fees.
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